About Townes

Eric L. Townes, Owner, started his journey in 1991 with his first rental property. He made it into a home for his family before moving out and hoping another family could make it theirs. Eventually, in 2005, Eric sold the home and moved south with his family and purchased six homes with the profit he made from that first sale, and began renting them out to other families to enjoy. Then, in 2016, he began to flip homes. Buying, fixing, and selling side by side with renting, soon he started leveraging his rental properties by selling them in an effort to purchase more. Some are in Downtown Raleigh, North Carolina.

Eric eventually will revisit the rental aspect of his business. His main long-term goals are: rehabbing and building new construction subsidized homes to assist elderly and the disenfranchised population. Eric is a man of his community and looks to help families find their dream home.

Eric has an unrivaled passion for his work, and is committed to providing great service to people. He understands and wants to see more people obtain long-term generational wealth and investment through the procurement of property. He firmly believes everyone deserves a home, especially young people. He recalls the joy he experienced when he purchased his first home at age 24. He knows the sense of pride a home gave him. Owning builds confidence and makes people feel a great deal of accomplishment. Helping young people find homes to live their lives and creating opportunities are very important to Eric. These goals reflect Eric’s continued commitment.